Cosmetic composite veneers can often be a fantastic affordable alternative to Porcelain Veneers, providing a more affordable alternative. Cosmetic composite resin veneers can be used in low stress situations and where minimal adjustments are required such as to correct minor staining, chipping or even crowding or crossed over teeth. Cosmetic composite resins do not require as much tooth preparation as their porcelain counterparts, and is a conservative choice. However, their strength and longevity is limited due to their minimal size and over time will chip and dull in appearance.
Cosmetic composite veneers can often be a fantastic affordable alternative to Porcelain Veneers, providing a more affordable alternative. Cosmetic composite resin veneers can be used in low stress situations and where minimal adjustments are required such as to correct minor staining, chipping or even crowding or crossed over teeth. Cosmetic composite resins do not require as much tooth preparation as their porcelain counterparts, and is a conservative choice. However, their strength and longevity is limited due to their minimal size and over time will chip and dull in appearance.
More commonly known as cosmetic bonding, composite veneers are a filling material applied in layered coatings to the facial surface of the tooth to provide a beautiful, natural youthful appearance to your smile. They are often applied in a single visit catering to a busy schedule with their minimal downtime. When placed with meticulous attention to detail, they can be used to change not only the shape of your teeth, but can also significantly alter the colour and alignment of teeth or even close those pesky gaps, leading to natural beautiful results and confident new smile.
Composite veneers are made of the same white filling material we use in day to day dentistry and whilst they can look amazing, porcelain will always possess the better qualities desired for a complete smile makeover. Whilst cosmetic composite veneers are prone to chipping, staining and reduced lustre over time, they are also much easier to repair and can be polished to restore them to their glory. As with any veneer, they will require more attention and care to ensure reduced chipping from day to day wear.
Whilst composite veneers can provide a fantastic alternative, as with any treatment, it is important to ensure the materials used suit not only your smile but also your needs. If several teeth are missing or are already have large fillings, Cosmetic porcelain veneers may be a longer lasting and much more appealing choice due to the superior properties. Dr Hanna will take the time to discuss at great length the pros and cons associated with each treatment and the best way to achieve your aesthetic goals whilst ensuring your beautiful smile will last.
For more information, call us now to start feeling better. Or fill the form below to make appointment